Results for 'Beth Ehrlich Slater'

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  1.  79
    A Time Travel Dialogue.John W. Carroll, Steven Carpenter, Beth Ehrlich Slater, Gray Maddrey, Kevin Martell, Stuart Miller, Nathan Sasser, Stephen Sutton, Robert Todd, Diana Tysinger & Laura Wingler - 2014 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    Is time travel just a confusing plot device deployed by science fiction authors and Hollywood filmmakers to amaze and amuse? Or might empirical data prompt a scientific hypothesis of time travel? Structured on a fascinating dialogue involving  ...
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    Constituting Common Subjects: Toward an Education Against Enclosure.Graham B. Slater - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (6):537-553.
  3.  84
    Mathematical epistemology and psychology.Evert Willem Beth - 1966 - New York,: Gordon & Breach. Edited by Jean Piaget.
  4.  36
    Mathematical thought.Evert Willem Beth - 1965 - Dordrecht, Holland,: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    Another striking deviation with regard to philosophical tradition consists in the fact that contemporary schools in the philosophy of mathematics, with the exception again of Brouwer's intuitionism, hardly ever refer to mathematical thought.
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  5. World Religions.H. D. Lewis & Robert Lawson Slater - 1967 - Religious Studies 3 (1):421-423.
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    The False Freedom of Promiscuity.Mary Beth Phillips - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (3):451-463.
    Teenagers enjoy better physical and mental health when they avoid early sexual debut and reserve the sexual act for marriage. Teens who initiate sexual relations outside of marriage risk contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and those who also use hormonal contraception to avoid pregnancy often suffer unwanted physical and emotional side effects. Teens who have multiple partners may have later attachment or bonding difficulties. The consequences of an unintended pregnancy after a casual sexual relationship are often abortion or single motherhood and (...)
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  7. Philosophy after Darwin: Chapters for the Career of Philosophy Volume III and Other Essays.John Herman Randall & Beth J. Singer - 1979 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):202-203.
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    Three Faces of Advocacy: The Cove, Mine, and Food, INC.Mary Beth Woodson - 2011 - Society and Animals 19 (2):200-204.
    The Cove, Mine, and Food, INC. each use the documentary genre to advocate for change, whether in regards to mass wild animal kills, companion animals in natural disasters, or the modern food industry. The films, however, present views of human-nonhuman animal relations that vary greatly. Where The Cove regards dolphins as beings who deserve freedom, Mine explores the view of companion animals as property. Food, INC., finally, treats farm animals solely as a food source.
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  9.  14
    Formal methods.Evert Willem Beth - 1962 - New York,: Gordon & Breach.
  10.  23
    The Singular Voice of Being: John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference by Andrew LaZella.Mary Beth Ingham - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (1):147-148.
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    Revisiting Family Myths.Mary Beth Simmons - 2006 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 16 (1):6-10.
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  12. Working (on) Electronic Portfolis: Connections between Work and Study.Carl Whithaus & Mary Beth Lakin - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 9 (2).
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  13.  20
    Knock, Knock: The Taxman’s at Your Door! Practice Sense, Empathy Games, and Dilemmas in Tax Enforcement.Carlene Beth Wynter & Lynne Oats - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):279-292.
    Tax administrators are empowered by the state to secure compliance with tax obligations. Enforcing compliance on the ground is complex, and street-level administrators often engage in the “art of the possible,” leading to dilemmas in the field. This paper examines tax administrators’ practices with regard to Jamaican property tax defaulters with outstanding tax liabilities in excess of 3 years. Drawing on interviews with tax administrators and other key agents, we find that tax administrators reposition themselves from objective enforcers to empathizing (...)
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    The effect of fear-inducing stimuli on risk taking in people with psychopathic traits.Angela Book, Beth Visser & Tori Wattam - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1313-1326.
    Research suggests that people with psychopathic traits experience fear-inducing stimuli differently from others, seeming to interpret fear as more positive and less negative. We expected that this reaction, termed fear enjoyment, would impact the effect of fear-inducing stimuli on self-report risk-taking behaviour. Risk-taking was measured before and after viewing excitement- and fear-inducing videos (N = 825). As expected from research showing that fear induction tends to reduce risk-taking tendencies, participants showed reduced risk-taking scores following a fear-inducing stimulus. Importantly, this relationship (...)
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  15.  39
    Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages. By Takashi Shogimen.Mary Beth Ingham - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):680-681.
  16.  15
    Etikk på kollisjonskurs – når forvaltningsetikk og forskningsetikk møtes.Jill Beth Otterlei & Berit Skorstad - 2013 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):47-66.
    Artikkelen er en analyse av to formaliserte etiske retningslinjer som skal gjelde i norske akademiske institusjoner. Den ene er utarbeidet for forvaltningen og den andre for forskningen. Analysen gjøres ved å sammenligne to dokumenter som inneholder etiske retningslinjer. Videre knyttes analysen til ulike «etos» som skiller forvaltningen og forskningen. Artikkelen går særlig inn på normene lydighet og frihet, som framstår som mest motsetningsfylte når de «møtes» i akademia. Det drøftes hvordan dette påvirker legitimiteten til akademia.Nøkkelord: akademia, byråkrati, etos, forskningsetikk, forvaltningsetikkEnglish (...)
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  17.  44
    Formal Propriety as Rhetorical Norm.Beth Innocenti Manolescu - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (1):113-125.
    Given the persistent conception of rhetoric as effective persuasion by any means for individual success, it is desirable to describe an alternative standard for evaluating argumentation from a rhetorical perspective. I submit formal propriety as a key norm. Conceiving of form as a process of expectation and fulfillment offers a method of reconstructing argumentation that is both descriptive and normative. I illustrate the method by critiquing a sample of argumentation, and conclude by addressing the strengths and limitations of this analytical (...)
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  18.  84
    Historical studies in traditional philosophy.Evert W. Beth - 1946 - Synthese 5 (5-6):258 - 270.
  19. Logic and foundations of science.Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth (eds.) - 1968 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
  20.  16
    Medicare Advantage Enrollment and Beneficiary Risk Scores: Difference-in-Differences Analyses Show Increases for All Enrollees On Account of Market-Wide Changes.Tamara Beth Hayford & Alice Levy Burns - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801878864.
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  21.  32
    Les relations de la dialectique a la logique.E. W. Beth - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (2):109-119.
  22.  37
    Duns Scotus, Divine Delight and Franciscan Evangelical Life.Mary Beth Ingham Csj - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):337-362.
  23.  23
    A Quality Improvement Approach to Improving Informed Consent Practices in Pediatric Research.Mary Beth Foglia, Halle Showalter Salas & Douglas S. Diekema - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):343-352.
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    Milton's Daughters: The Education of Eighteenth-Century Women Writers.Beth Kowaleski-Wallace - 1986 - Feminist Studies 12 (2):275.
  25.  9
    Ethics of Ancestral Explanation.Mary Beth Mader - 2015 - Eco-Ethica 4:137-150.
    Human beings experience themselves through various kinds of collectively experienced time. Medicine that relies upon precarious forms of ancestral or evolutionary explanation generates such collectively experienced forms of time, which are thus essentially politico-medically instituted versions of kin relations. Kin relations structure our ethical relations to each other rather thoroughly, even in Western modernity, especially through legally sanctioned relations. Hence, an ancestral or evolutionary explanation in medicine should be examined for its ethical import via its structuring of etiologically linked kin (...)
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  26. Phenomenology of Pain and Suffering at the End of Life: An Ethical Perspective in Gerontological Social Work.Mary Beth Morrissey - 2011 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Lifeworldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science:79-106.
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    The introduction to law, medicine, and bioethics: Role of interdisciplinary leadership in influencing health and public health policy and democratic systems of governance.Mary Beth Quaranta Morrissey & Basia D. Ellis - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (4):213-215.
  28.  25
    The Continuum Companion to Continental Philosophy.John Mullarkey & Beth Lord (eds.) - 2009 - Continuum.
    The Continuum Companion to Continental Philosophy offers the definitive guide to contemporary continental thought.
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  29. Watching Grass Grow: The Emergence of Brachypodium distachyon as a Model for the Poaceae.Karen-Beth G. Scholthof & Christopher W. P. Lyons - 2015 - In Sharon Kingsland & Denise Phillips, New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Springer Verlag.
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    Abetting a Crime: A New Approach.M. Beth Valentine - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (2):351-374.
    In “Abetting a Crime,” Husak puzzles over what, exactly, abettors are held liable for. Having dismissed the proposal that derivative liability can ground the imposition of punishment, he then turns to fair labeling concerns to further highlight problems surrounding current Anglo-American complicity laws. The best moral solution, according to Husak, is a drastic but ultimately unworkable revising of our laws. Loosely, he presents a two-horned dilemma: the laws are either insufficiently detailed to respect fair labeling practices or too detailed to (...)
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  31. Animals, Phenomenal Consciousness, and Higher-Order Theories of Mind.Beth Seacord - 2011 - Philo 14 (2):201-222.
    Some advocates of higher-order theories of consciousness believe that the correct theory of consciousness together with empirical facts about animal intelligence make it highly unlikely that animals are capable of having phenomenally conscious experiences. I will argue that even if the higher-order thought (HOT) theory of consciousness is correct, there is good evidence (taken from experiments in mind reading and metacognition, as well as considerations from neurophysiology and evolutionary biology) that at least some nonhuman animals can form the higher-order thoughts (...)
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    Otho's funny walk: Tacitus, histories 1.27.Cora Beth Fraser - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (02):621-631.
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  33.  10
    Understanding John Duns Scotus: of realty the rarest-veined unraveller.Mary Beth Ingham - 2017 - St. Bonaventure, New York: Franciscan Institute Publications.
    Franciscan commitments -- Creation: a metaphysics of the particular -- Cognition, language, and reality -- Divine existence and perfections -- What is theology? -- Freedom and the will -- Moral goodness and beauty -- Practical wisdom and discernment -- Creation, incarnation, and divine desire.
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  34. Marin county psychological association.Claudia Perez, Beth Cooper Tabakin, Barbara Berman, Fred Rozendal, Sharon Cushman, Michele Saloner, Karl Kracklauer, Nancy Haugen, Haleh Kashani & Betsy Levine-Proctor - 2004 - In John Hawthorne, Ethics. Wiley Periodicals. pp. 898-9839.
  35.  9
    School, The Seedbed of Society: A Reflection on the Path of Humanity through the Mind, Heart, and Soul of a Teacher.Wendy Beth Rosen - 2023 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book strives to highlight the conditions that have turned schools into places that induce stress on all levels for children and staff.
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  36. Membership issues for hospital ethics committees.Lawrence A. Rues & Beth Weaver - 1989 - HEC Forum 1 (3):127-36.
  37.  20
    Erratum to: Defense Categories and the De Minimis Defense.Melissa Beth Valentine - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (1):183-183.
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  38.  42
    Duns Scotus, Metaphysician. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Ingham - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (2):266-267.
  39.  36
    Formal Methods: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic and to the Study of Effective Operations in Arithmetic and Logic.Evert Willem Beth - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Many philosophers have considered logical reasoning as an inborn ability of mankind and as a distinctive feature in the human mind; but we all know that the distribution of this capacity, or at any rate its development, is very unequal. Few people are able to set up a cogent argument; others are at least able to follow a logical argument and even to detect logical fallacies. Nevertheless, even among educated persons there are many who do not even attain this relatively (...)
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  40.  23
    Introduction à la Philosophie des Sciences Exactes.Evert W. Beth - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):70-71.
  41.  56
    Kneale William. Boole and the revival of logic. Mind, n.s. vol. 57 , pp. 149–175.Evert W. Beth - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):61-61.
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    Helmer Olaf. Languages with expressions of infinite length. Erkenntnis, vol. 7 no. 3 , pp. 138–141.Evert Beth - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):25-25.
  43.  38
    van Os C. H.. De crisis der logica . Synthese , vol. 3 , pp. 314–336.Evert Beth - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):164-164.
  44.  23
    Apresentação.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani & Orison Marden Bandeira de Melo Júnior - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):2-2.
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    Metacognition in working memory: Confidence judgments during an n-back task.Nadia Conte, Beth Fairfield, Caterina Padulo & Santiago Pelegrina - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 111 (C):103522.
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    Listening Like a Computer: Attentional Tensions and Mechanized Care in Psychiatric Digital Phenotyping.Beth M. Semel - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (2):266-290.
    This article explores negotiations over the humanistic versus mechanized components of care through an ethnographic account of digital phenotyping research. I focus on a US-based team of psychiatric and engineering professionals assembling a smartphone application that they hope will analyze minute changes in the sounds of speech during phone calls to predict when a user with bipolar disorder will have a manic or depressive episode. Contrary to conventional depictions of psychiatry as essentially humanistic, the discourse surrounding digital phenotyping positions the (...)
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  47.  24
    On Love: Victorine Texts in Translation: Exegesis, Theology and Spirituality from the Abbey of St. Victor. Edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB. Pp. 341 + Bibliography, indices, Turnhout, Brepols. 2012, $35.18. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Ingham - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (6):980-980.
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    Journey Back to God: Origen on the Problem of Evil. By Mark S. M. Scott. Pp. xiv, 166, notes, bibliography, Oxford University Press, 2012, £45.96. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Ingham - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (1):145-145.
  49.  74
    All too familiar: Luce Irigaray's recent thought on sexuation and generation. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Mader - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (4):367-390.
    In recent works, Luce Irigaray offers arguments for the establishment of sexed rights that rely upon certain presuppositional accounts of the development of relational sexuate identity and difference. The paper advances a series of objections to these accounts, in addition to examining some of Irigaray's proposals concerning women's indefinition, the category of the neuter, and female genealogy. Supplementing Luce Irigaray's argument that mother-daughter genealogy is under-symbolized in present Occidental cultures, it suggests, for reasons consonant with Irigaray's general project, additional corrective (...)
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    Rethinking Commonsense Psychology. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Morrissey - 2010 - Schutzian Research 2:216-224.
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